Rose Lounsbury’s grandmother, wife of a coal miner, lived through the Great Depression and passed many of her habits—like reusing zip-top plastic bags and never wasting leftovers—along to her granddaughter.

While her grandmother called these habits common sense, we now call them “eco-friendly.”

But in a world where fossil fueled climate change is heating our planet at an alarming rate, the habits passed down from our grandparents are no longer enough.

To slow down the devastating effects of climate change, we need to take immediate and decisive legislative action.

Rose will champion legislation to promote a green Ohio. This includes incentives for companies and consumers to switch to renewable energy sources and programs that encourage and attract eco-minded businesses to our state. Rose envisions an Ohio with thriving manufacturing plants producing solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicle batteries. This green economy will spur jobs and income for many working families in some of our most economically hard-hit areas.

We can create an Ohio that thrives both economically and environmentally. These two goals mutually support each other. Rose’s grandmother would definitely approve.


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